
We like to go to microbreweries and taste beer. At some point, we started keeping notes. Then we decided to put them on the interweb. We told a barkeep we were looking for a site name, she asked a wise man down the bar and he suggested “Judge Brewdy”. So here we are.

We actually have some rules.

We only review beers that we have tasted at the brewery or the brewery’s taproom. We (generally) don’t review guest taps or beers we find in pubs. Not that we have anything against pubs. We spend quite a bit of time in pubs . . .

We are very particular in the types of beers we like, so we don’t try everything. We like malty brews, pilsners, browns, reds, stouts, etc. Hops are not for us. Neither are sours or flavored beers. So you will have to find another site for those reviews, because we don’t even try them.

We don’t really ‘review’ beers. If we like a beer enough that we would order a glass of it, it gets mentioned. There is no score. We either would order some or we wouldn’t.

We only note the beers we liked, not the ones we did not care for. We appreciate that the brewmasters work hard on their products, so as the saying goes, “if you can’t say anything nice, just burp quietly and don’t say anything at all”

That said, if we visit a brewery and don’t find any beers we liked, we will note that. It does not mean that it was a bad brewery. Maybe they had some fantastic IPAs or sours (we don’t like IPAs or sours). Again, it is just our taste.

Finally, you may not find a listing for every brewery here. That is because we have not visited it. Yet. We are open to suggestions. Let us know what you think we should try: brewdy at judgebrewdy dot com